Sunday, April 2, 2017

Food Contamination

People today should always be aware of the possibilities of food contamination. Anyone can be affected by chemical, physical, and biological contamination's. Chemical contamination means the food that you are eating has been contaminated by some kind of chemical substance. This can occur because you mixed the food with a chemical or because the distributors of the product mixed it with a chemical. Chemicals should always be placed far away from anything that will enter the body. A physical contamination can occur when an object that is already contaminated touches or encounters the food. A physical object could be a dirty band aid that has come in contact with your food. Lastly, a biological contamination occurs when bacteria, viruses and more come in contact with the food. This contamination can come from saliva, blood, etc.

Biological contaminates can occur through bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and biological toxins (poison). Bacteria can be found in everything from air to human beings. It is a microorganism that can survive in any temperature. The best ways for bacteria to grow can be made into the acronym, FAT TOM. The F stands for food. Dairy products, meat, fish, etc. are great sources for bacteria to feed off of. The A stands for acidity, meaning bacteria grows better in lightly acidic food. The first T stands for temperature. Bacteria will grow the most between the temperature of 41 ᵒF and 135 ᵒF. The second T stands for time. The longer the bacteria has to grow, the more the bacteria will actually grow. The O stands for oxygen. The amount of oxygen needed for the bacteria can differ since some bacteria do need oxygen and others do not. Lastly, the M stands for moisture. The more moisture the higher growth of bacteria.

Viruses are the next biological contaminate. Viruses can reproduce but only by using other living cells like animal or human cells. They cannot grow or reproduce on food but they can survive hot and freezing temperatures, meaning they cannot be killed during the cooking process. Parasites are also a biological contaminate that can reproduce. They use animals and humans to transport themselves from object to object. Parasites cannot live through the cooking process so making sure that food is properly cooked/frozen is important. Fungi is another biological contaminate. Mold, different kinds of yeast and mushrooms fall under the fungi category and all can be eaten. Lastly, biological toxins (poisons) are another biological contaminate. Although this biological contaminate is not common in meat, fish can easily contain toxins. The toxins are already in the fish and has to be removed or cooked properly so the person is not contaminated.

Foodborne illnesses can easily be avoided. However, the cause for foodborne illnesses can differ. Five causes of foodborne illnesses can be avoided by making sure everything is clean. From employee’s hands to the silver ware that is used, everything must be clean. The first cause of foodborne illnesses is ‘Improper hot and cold holding temperature of potentially hazardous foods’. The second cause is ‘Improper cooking temperatures of foods’. The third cause is ‘Dirty or contaminated utensils and equipment’. The fourth cause is ‘Poor employee health and hygiene’. The last cause is ‘Poor employee health and hygiene’. Without the proper sanitation of food, people, or objects, humans can become sick with multiple different diseases. Some diseases can include Salmonella, Campylobacter, Mad cow disease and more. 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Air Quality

“Less is more” can easily describe healthy air quality. The lower the number, the better the air quality. The lighter the color, the healthier the air. The healthiest air quality is the color green and it is labeled ‘Good’.  This AQI ranges from 0 to 50 and can be described as suitable with little or no air pollution. With growing numbers, the next healthy air quality is the color yellow with the label of ‘Moderate’. The range for ‘Moderate’ is 51 to 100 with a description of acceptable and can be uncomfortable to people who are not typically sensitive to the polluted air. The next group in the AQI is the orange group, ‘Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups’. The numbers range from 101 to 150 and can be concerning for people who are sensitive to the air, but it is not a main issue for the healthy population. ‘Unhealthy’ is the next level of AQI and it is colored red. It ranges from 151 to 200 and can be affect everyone experiencing health issues, it no longer affects only the people who have sensitivity to the air. The 5th level of AQI is ‘Very Unhealthy’ and is now a dark pink color. Its level ranges from 201 to 300 and will affect the entire population and may even lead to emergency situations. The last AQI level is ‘Hazardous’ and is a brownish color. Ranging from 301 to 500, it will lead to everyone experiencing serious health issues.

AQI forecasts are provided to people by their state or local areas. Cincinnati, the Cleveland area, Columbus, Dayton, and Youngstown all have their own, individual AQI. At 11:00, Cincinnati’s AQI was 39, which puts the city in the range of ‘Good’. Today and tomorrow’s high forecasts are almost the same ranging from 60 to 65, putting them in the ‘Moderate’ zone. The Cleveland area includes Cleveland, Akron, and Lorain. At 11:00, this area was at 60 putting it in the ‘Moderate’ zone. However, the forecast for today’s high and tomorrows high is in the range of ‘Good’. In Columbus at 11:00, the AQI was at 58. The forecast for both today and tomorrow is in the ‘Good’ zone, ranging from 50 to 46. At 11:00, Dayton was in the ‘Good’ zone and was at the number 32. The high for today and tomorrow are both ‘Moderate’ and range from 53 to 57. Also at 11:00, Youngstown was 55 putting it in the ‘Moderate’ zone. The highs for today and tomorrow are 50 and 46, keeping it in the ‘Good’ zone.

The State Implementation Plan (SIP) are plans that focus on states that do not have healthy air quality or their National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are not in the proper/ healthy zone. The current standard for Ozone is 0.070 ppm and was created in 2015. PM 2.5 current SIP is 12.0 μg/m3 and was made in 2012. Sulfur Dioxide’s SIP was based in 2015 and is 75 ppb. Nitrogen Dioxide made its standard in 2010 at 100 ppb. In 2008, the standard of lead was changed from 1.5 μg/m3 to .15 μg/m3.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Cell Phone Radiation

What is one thing you can’t live without? If you asked this to basically any teenager or adult today, they would say their cell phone. The first cell phone was made in 1973 by a man named Martin Cooper who worked for Motorola. Little did he know; his invention would become one of the most desirable things in the world. From Apple to Samsung and Verizon to Sprint, you can find multiple different brands and multiple carriers of cell phones.

People love their cell phones, but why? Is it because you can carry it everywhere or because you can look up anything on it? Personally, I love my cell phone because it is a way for me to stay in contact with my friends and family. One thing that I have never thought about is the negative effects a cell phone can have. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t text and drive or text while walking, but what about just having your phone in your pocket or having it next to your head while talking? Cell phone radiation is quickly overlooked because no one really knows the side effects or what it even is.

Cell phone radiofrequency can be defined as any electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) that range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Your cell phone gives off these waves even if it’s not in use. The human body will absorb these waves when they are emitted from our cell phones and bounced back to the cell phone towers. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) helps us know the amount of waves the device gives off and the amount that is being absorbed into our body. Legally in the United States the levels range from 0.20- 1.60. For example, when talking on the phone with the iPhone 6, the SAR will be around 1.18. With all of the “bells and whistles” (Bluetooth, WIFI) turned on the SAR will be around 1.58, which is only .02 from the maximum legal limit. It is suggested that you talk to someone on the phone with a distance of 5 millimeters from your head to decrease the frequency waves being absorbed.

Some recent studies have suggested that these waves can have harmful effects on our body and specifically our brain. Wherever the phone is placed by the head, your brain uses more glucose. Glucose is a sugar in the body that we use as energy/ fuel. Some studies on animals have been tested and have resulted in death of the animal or brain tumors. Cell phones can possibly cause changes in reaction time, brain activity, both female and male reproductive organs, and sleep patterns. Having the cell phone pressed up against your head is not the only way to possibly express these symptoms. The cell phone can be in the front or back pocket of someone’s pants and still have harmful effects. At high frequencies, the cell phone becomes hot, these devices are not able to heat up body tissue. A microwave or a larger device that gives off high frequencies are capable of heating up the body. However, even with all of the studies out there, scientists have not been able to conclude that cell phones can cause damage to our DNA.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Glyphosate is a commonly known herbicide which is used to kill unwanted leaves or plants. It is a chemical ingredient in Roundup and other name brand weed killers. However, glyphosate was not always used for killing plants. It was patented in 1964  by Stauffer Chemical as a metal chelator, also known as a binding agent that suppresses chemical activity in metal. It was originally used to clean commercial boilers and pipes. It typically removed minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, and more. Since 1974, glyphosate switched its usage to plants instead of metals. Today, people spray it on their agriculture, lawns, and gardens.

In 2014, the number of pounds used in the United States was 249,906,307 pounds. The number of pounds used has greatly increased since the start of glyphosate in the United States. The United States uses almost the same amount of glyphosate on their crops as the whole entire world. It is used in more than 90 countries in the world. The world uses about 250,000,000 pounds.

Glyphosate can be found in Roundup, Touchdown, Rodeo and other pesticides. The United States uses glyphosate on many food, non-food crops, and areas heavily laid with unwanted plants. It is most commonly used in pastures, fields, lawns, turfs, greenhouses, and more. However, with the large number of chemicals being used, the number of potential risks also increases.
Health risks have been brought to the awareness by the WHO, the EPA, and the CDC. This herbicide can cause fires or large explosions. The toxic chemical can be combustible and give off fine particles that cause these fire or explosions. To prevent either of these disasters, people are suggested to prevent dispersion's of the small particles, by keeping them close to the intended source. The herbicide can be inhaled, ingested, rubbed into the eyes, or put on the skin. Symptoms that come from the inhalation, ingestion, rubbing into the eyes, and skin irritation include coughing, burning feeling in the throat or chest, and redness of the eyes and skin. To prevent any of these symptoms, the user should wear gloves, googles and/ or a face mask. Obviously, the users should avoid drinking or eating glyphosate.

Not only has this chemical effected the human body, but also the environment. Run-off is a large issue with these types if chemicals. The chemical is sprayed onto the plants and then the rain or any kind of liquid that is poured onto the plant will cause run-off. The run-off will typically go into unwanted areas. For example, the water that is now contaminated with the chemical, can run-off into bodies of water, other plants that originally did not have the chemical, or it can go into the street. Run-off can be extremely hazardous because the chemical cannot be seen and is now contaminating a new source that did not have the chemical before, and was never supposed to have it.                                  

Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are being found more in today’s environment than any other time period. A GMO is an organism that has been modified for a specific reason. Roundup Ready crops are classified as GMO’s that are resistant to Roundup. They were developed in 1996 and were initially genetically modified soybeans that were resistant to Roundup. Roundup Ready crops has developed since then by adding more crops to the GMO list. 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Water Quality

Many Ohio residents drink their water from the ground or through private water systems. Water must be tested to avoid any lingering bacteria which could harm the human body. Coliform, turbidity, radon, cryptosporidium, giardia, and harmful algal bloom cyanotoxins can all contaminate drinking water. Each bacterium can be found in some form of water. Whether the water is ground water, aquifers/ personal wells, or surface water, lakes/ ponds.

Coliform is known as a microorganism that lives in soil, plants, and the human intestine. A common specie of coliform is E. coli. A person can come in contact with this microorganism by drinking or consuming it. Symptoms of coliform can range from no symptoms to cramps or diarrhea. An easy way to prevent yourself from contamination is to clean the area around or in your water source. The standard for Coliform is 0 MCL.

Turbidity is also known as the level of cloudiness in the water. It typical arouses from the movement of water through soil into someone’s ground water supply. Health risks of turbidity include headaches, diarrhea and more. If you suspect that your water is cloudy, install a water filter to help clean the water fully. Turbidity standards are not noticed until it reaches 5 MCL, however, it should be lower for safe drinking water.

Radon is a gaseous element that can be contaminating a water supply. It can dissolve and contaminate only into ground water, but not surface water. Radon in drinking water can cause cancer or even death. A way to check for radon in your water would be to figure out if the water comes from the ground or surface. The standard for safe drinking is 5 MCL.
Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite which is a diarrheal disease. The parasite is transported through fecal matter. Any water that can be contaminated by fecal matter is at risk of having cryptosporidium. If someone suspects that their water has been contaminated, then they can contact their state certified officer to have them come clean the water. If they chose to take care of it themselves, they should boil the water for at least a minute and let cool before consuming. The standard for cryptosporidium is 0 MCL.

Giardia is also a microscopic parasite that can linger in someone’s water. It is passed through fecal matter of an infected human or animal. Eating or drinking anything that has been come in contact with giardia will become contaminated so a person should avoid those products. Symptoms of contamination in humans include diarrhea, upset stomach and more. The drinking water standard is also 0 MCL.

Harmful Algal Bloom (HBA) Cyanotoxins is a type of bacteria that can be found in lakes, ponds, or shallow bodies of water. People can come in contact with this bacteria by drinking it, skin contact, and inhaling. Symptoms include rashes, sore throat, diarrhea, or vomiting. Prevention could include rinse off your body with clean fresh water. The drinking water standard for HBA Cyanotoxin is 0 MCL.   

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Lead Poisoning

Lead is an element that is a blueish-grey metal which can be found naturally in the environment. People are mainly exposed to lead because of mining since a small amount of lead can be found in the earth, or you can be exposed to lead from a products improper manufacturing. Children are not insusceptible to lead poisoning, therefore they needed to be tested when they are exposed to any kind of lead source. In 2014, the number of children tested for lead poisoning in the state of Ohio was 153,010. The number of children tested is almost the same as 2013, so seeing this large number is not uncommon. In 2013 the number of children who were tested was 155,577 which is slightly larger than 2014's number.

The state of Ohio updated the threshold, also known as the intensity, for elevated blood lead level with guidance from the CDC. The updated threshold was from 10 μg/dL to 5 μg/dL. The number of children who were confirmed to have the elevated blood levels in the updated range was 4,596. The percent of children in all of Ohio that were tested was around 3.00%. With a percent, that was mixed threshold of 1.96, the Athens County percent was less than, but relatively close to the whole state. Athens County percent, not mixed, was 1.47% for ≥5 μg/dL and .49% for ≥10 μg/dL. No amount of lead in the body is safe.

Childhood lead poisoning can be avoided. A person can become poisoned by lead in numerous ways. Some common sources are foods containing lead, toys containing lead (lead based paints), water with elevated lead level, and more. The most common exposure to a source is elevated lead levels in water. A parent should ask themselves multiple questions about their surroundings to help avoid childhood lead poisoning. Some, but definitely not all, simple questions include; does your child put soft metal objects in his/her mouth, does your home have lead pipes or lead solder in the plumbing, or is there a pet that could track dirt or dust in from the outside? Families should think about these types of questions, and if they say yes to any of them, they need to fix the issue right away.

A child should be tested for lead poisoning in between the ages 1 and 6, especially if they were exposed to lead or have not had the test done before. Testing should not only be for children, but also for adults who have been exposed to lead. Women who are pregnant and believe that they have been exposed to lead need to get tested because lead is dangerous for the fetus. It can also cause miscarriages, stillbirth, premature delivery, and low birth weight for the baby. Lead can damage almost all of the systems in the human body. Low levels of lead poisoning can affect a child IQ, growth, hearing, and can cause Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). High levels of lead poisoning can cause mental retardation, convulsions, a coma or even death.  

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Zika Virus

The Zika virus is a virus that is primarily transmitted through mosquitoes. Interestingly enough, the virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1947 in monkeys instead of mosquitoes. It was only located through a network that monitored yellow fever. The first identification of the virus in humans was in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania during 1952. In 1960-1980 scientists realized through blood tests that humans can be affected by Zika. The first large outbreak caused by the virus was discovered in the Island of Yap during 2007. Prior to the outbreak in 2007, on 14 other cases had been documented. One of the most recent outbreaks was in Brazil during July and again in October of 2015. The virus wasn’t alone, it was associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome or microcephaly. The Zika virus is not centered around one area of the world, it has been reported in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and in the Pacific.

Zika is not transmitted only by the bite of an infected Aedes specie of mosquito. These mosquitoes are also found wherever standing water is, for example animal bowls, vases, pots etc. People have to be aware of their surroundings since these mosquitoes prefer to bite their target during the day, but will still bite at night. The virus is spread from either an infected mosquito biting a healthy human or a healthy mosquito biting an infected human. Zika can also be spread through sexual activity, blood transfusions, laboratory and healthcare setting exposures, and from mother to child. Even though the transmission of the virus through sexual activity is still being researched, the virus can spread through semen and vaginal fluids. Although the transmission of Zika through blood transfusions has not affected the United States, it has been reported in other countries including Brazil. People who work in laboratories and healthcare settings can be at risk since the people working in the lab could be working with the virus or the blood of someone who has the virus. The transmission from mother to child is being watched closely. If a woman is bitten by an infected mosquito, then the child is at risk for having health issues. The virus can be passed to the fetus during pregnancy or near the time of birth. So far researches have not detected a transmission through breastfeeding.

Symptoms of the Zika virus include, headaches, rashes, bloodshot eyes, a high fever, and muscle or joint pain. However, not everyone will express the same symptoms. For example, getting a rash from the virus has only been reported in 90% of individuals. Symptoms will start to occur two weeks after being infected and will last up to a week. People who believe they are experiencing symptoms of the Zika virus are advised to get their blood tested. To prevent the spread of Zika, people are recommended to not travel to the areas that are experiencing a break out, use a condom while having sex, cover or remove any areas that attract these mosquitoes, and to wear clothing that covers most of the body. Currently, no medical treatment has been created. However, if a person is experiencing the symptoms of the Zika virus they should get plenty of rest, hydrate, and take Tylenol in hopes of reducing the headache.